A primary focus of longevity research is to identify prognostic risk factors that can be mediated by early treatment efforts. To\ndate, much of this work has focused on understanding the biological processes that may contribute to aging process and agerelated\ndisease conditions. Although such processes are undoubtedly important, no current biological intervention aimed at\nincreasing health and lifespan exists. Interestingly, a close relationship between mobility performance and the aging process has\nbeen documented in older adults. For example, recent studies have identified functional status, as assessed by walking speed, as\na strong predictor of major health outcomes, including mortality, in older adults. This paper aims to describe the relationship\nbetween the comorbidities related to decreased health and lifespan and mobility function in obese, older adults. Concurrently,\nlifestyle interventions, including diet and exercise, are described as a means to improve mobility function and thereby limit the\nfunctional limitations associated with increased mortality.